I'm picking things up along the way in the world of sports and pop culture.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kagan: "I Just Love Me Some Barack"

We know she's a radical liberal plant that Obama is trying to work on to the Supreme Court. We have all seen Elena Kagen fawning over Barack Obama.

Come on, Elena. It's not that big.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Sarah Palin Responds to Breast Implant Rumors

A satire.

Sarah Palin went On the Record with Greta Van Susteren to debunk the myth that she had breast implants.

But in a twist on the liberal media's pre-occupation with the size of body parts, Palin went on to talk about Rahm Emanuel's, er, manhood.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fox News Contributor Says Credit to Palin Endorsements Overblown. Really?

a satire

by O. Barbarian
Conservatives4Palin contributor

Et Tu, Fox?

On three separate occasions Fox News contributor Sarah Palin downplayed former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's impact of her endorsements for primary candidates that won last night. The FNC contributor said that any credit to the former Governor is "is way overblown." In a major understatement, she also said "Perhaps an endorsement can shift just a tiny bit of momentum in some cases, and I think that's what we saw."

So Haley, a no name before Palin came to town, comes completely out of last place and blows away the field immediately following Palin's endorsement and that's a "tiny bit of momentum!" Please.

Fox News noted on its website that "State Rep. Nikki Haley climbed past three other candidates in the polls after Palin backed her at a rally in May." Nikki Haley herself called Palin's endorsement "huge."
Democratic strategist Doug Schoen called Tuesday's results "a feather in her cap."

"Palin is a queen or kingmaker within the Republican Party," said former Republican New York Sen. Alfonse D'Amato.
Palin is relatively new to the Fox News Channel since taking on a political contributor role in January. This brings into question as to whether Fox should be relying on information from a contributor who is obviously either going out of her way to downplay Governor Palin's role in American politics or outright threatened by Governor Palin's humility.

We don't want to disrespect any Fox News employee, but given the lamestream media's outright campaign to marginalize Governor Palin and the constant sweeping under the rug of her amazing accomplishments, for FNC contributor Palin to appear on Fox News and Fox Business and simply minimize the Governor's impact on those races is worthy of letters to Roger Ailes demanding that that contributor be fired for poor journalism.

C4P readers can go to and sign the petition. We will also continue to do in depth research on this "contributor" to see if there are any other incidences where she doesn't properly credit the former governor for her accomplishments.

Accuracy in journalism, especially news analysis, requires the use of facts. She might as well have just gone on Hardball on MSNBC if she was going to spin it in such a way as to diminish the governor's impact on the races.

Any journalist worth their weight in salt knows that Governor Palin kicked major ass with her endorsements and for Fox News contributor Palin to not acknowledge that is easily debunked. We here at C4P are glad to be able to correct that and correct it immediately.